release of CD-book AD TENEBRAS
Artway records / University of Coimbra
November 2023
artistic residency at the Cité de la Voix – Vézelay – France
recording La Zagala mas hermosa
>> open rehearsal in the 25th of Novembre, 4:00 pm <<
« The feeling is one of freshness, spontaneity and surprise. »
Pablo J. Vayón | Scherzo Magazine | 2018

is a laboratory for Portuguese polyphony.
The ensemble owes its name to the musical chapel of the Monastery of Santa Cruz in Coimbra, centre of an extraordinary artistic activity, namely in the 16th and 17th centuries, from where the musical sources that constitute the main study objects come from.
« So many scenes in a colourful musical tableau, remarkably well-crafted. »
Jacques Meegens | Diapason | 2018

find us on air
> Générations France Musique, le live ! <